August 22, 2024
We often take our teeth for granted, but there’s little that’s more unpleasant than letting a dental issue escalate to the point where surgery is needed. Healthy teeth are happy teeth, and when your teeth are in good condition, you can enjoy peace of mind without worrying about dental problems.
Of course, for many of us, our teeth aren’t just for eating but rather they’re a sense of pride. Our teeth are what make our smiles really shine. And in most places, a nice smile is an important part of any meet and greet with new people and old friends alike.
Thankfully, keeping a beautiful and healthy smile doesn’t have to be a full-time job. There are plenty of easy and accessible ways for anyone to get their ideal smile. We’ll outline just a few of the best ways here!
Great dental health starts, to no one’s surprise, with dental visits. Making sure to regularly visit a dentist is one of the most important parts of keeping your teeth healthy. First and foremost, your dentist is going to be the first to notice if you have any potential conditions or issues that could rear their head in a more serious form in the future, such as cavities or gum diseases. Teeth cleaning at a dental office is more thorough and longer lasting benefits than clearing your teeth at home. When it comes to getting and maintaining a beautiful smile, dental care can go a long way with just a few regular visits.
Sometimes it’s not about making the right dental decisions, but avoiding the wrong ones. There are a lot of products out there that can lead to stained teeth, or even damage your enamel and gums. Some of these are obvious and significant threats. For example, if you smoke or chew tobacco, you’re nearly certain to get some yellowing on your teeth.
Many people find that coffee or tea stains their teeth. For some, it’s red wine. For others, it’s cola or other sugary products - though you should be keeping it light on the sugary products to avoid the possibility of tooth decay. If you suspect that a certain beverage is staining your teeth, try either cutting back consumption, drinking through a straw, or asking a dental professional for advice.
There are also plenty of whitening products on the market to help counteract teeth staining. However, it must be noted that while these can help improve the overall appearance of your smile, they don’t necessarily protect from tooth decay.
The food and drink you choose can have a significant impact on your teeth, and not in the sense of stains. Food that is high in calcium is great for improving the strength of your bones and your teeth. So make sure that you’re getting enough healthy dairy, fruits, and vegetables in your diet! Yogurt, carrots, apples, and leafy greens are some foods that are great snacks, and also are great for your teeth.
It’s also important that you drink enough water. Not only will water help wash bacteria out of your mouth, but hydration is important for general health, good breath and energy as well. Bad breath is a tell-tale sign of being dehydrated. Many milk products, dairy and non-dairy alike, are also great sources of calcium.
Regularly brushing your teeth is something we are all taught to do daily as children - and it turns out it was great advice! Regular brushing of your teeth helps remove plaque, which is a top cause of tooth decay and gum disease. A large variety of toothpaste brands also help with teeth whitening.
It’s important not to forget flossing either. Flossing helps cut down on plaque that might be forming in between your teeth, and also guarantees that you remove unsightly pieces of food trapped in your gums and teeth. (If flossing is difficult, it might be because of misaligned teeth. Getting invisible aligners can help straighten your teeth and make flossing easier).
Mouthwash can also be a great way to eliminate germs in your mouth that could develop into plaque - and it leaves your breath feeling minty fresh. Killing the odour-causing and harmful germs with regular use of mouthwash can help reduce other bacteria that might stain or discolor teeth as well. Mouthwash can even help prevent cavities!
If our teeth are crooked or misaligned, we often tend to assume that it’s going to take a long and painful dentist visit (or years of braces). However, that sort of inconvenience has become a thing of the past, with custom dental aligners being available for delivery right to your door.
It’s a misconception that clear aligners are a hassle. In fact, they’re an easy and convenient way to start straightening out your teeth at home. Firstly, they come with little to no discomfort for new users as gently move your teeth in a straighter position over time. The changing of aligner trays every two weeks straightens your teeth over time, minimizing any potential pain. Secondly, clear dental aligners are very discreet.
With NewSmile®, even the setup is easy! You simply need to use your impression kit (mailed directly to you) to create a mold of your teeth, then mail it back to us. Our impression specialists are available to help you via video through the entire process. After that, there’s nothing left to do but wait for your clear dental aligners to start your journey to straight teeth!
If you’re a little uncertain about your smile - don’t worry. We’re here to guide you through this life changing journey. A straighter, more beautiful smile could be right around the corner. If you are unsure where to get started, it’s as easy as taking our smile assessment. This will give you everything you need to know about what NewSmile® can offer!
November 25, 2024
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